Imagine for a moment that you are kneeling at my bedside. I have just been rolled over so that I can
place both my hands on your head.
I was young, as you now are. I am old, as you will be. I have sinned greatly, even as you have
sinned greatly. I have been forgiven, even as you have been forgiven. Our sin has been covered by the blood of the Lamb. When we were overjoyed by our salvation, The Holy Spirit taught us of the Truth. We
learned of Him. And we were convicted, again, by how much we've failed Him.
We've struggled in so many ways. We wanted to change the world, and yet, all we did was continue to
wallow in it's riches. Father, lead us to find that person that we are willing to sacrifice for. Help us to love this other deeply. And in our pain and struggle, please, be there to Comfort us. I know
that You will. Help us both to see You more clearly, to listen to You more fully, and to follow Your leading more consistently. Father, I pray that You continue to love this young Disciple, even as You have loved me.
And, as a response to God's love, I ask that you continue to know Christ more fully, to follow Him more
closely, and to love Him more intimately. Christ has riches to reveal to you, but you must open yourself fully to His Spirit. You must serve no-one but Him. And as you come to more fully love Him, you will see Him
reflected in your Christian Brethren. Love Him in them, and enjoy their presence as well. Serve your Brethren. Give to their needs. Love them. And when you meet those without Christ in their hearts,
have Compassion on them. They don't know any better, as was true for us all. Love them too.
Now, in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Bless this Disciple, as You've called
him* to serve You. Encourage, teach, and console him as he struggles. Let him know, deep down to the rock bottom core of who he is, that you love Him. And let Your Spirit fill
him to overflowing with love for You and for others. Let his commitment to Christ be solid and unwavering. And, when he does sin, respond to Him with Compassion. Let him love, and serve, and forgive, those about
Lord, Bless him. Encourage him and let him listen to Your Spirit
within him. He needs Your guidance and support, we all do. Please, give it to him, richly.
I ask this all in the glorious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
* I would hope that it is obvious that the pronouns should be changed if the Disciple is female.